Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Blues....

This year's fall fashion is all about color. Whether it's mixing and matching patterns or, just simply playing with several shades of one particular color.... color is definitely a major part of this season. I decided to do a look with different shades of blue. Blue is making its come back... I must say. Remember when blue eye shadow was the thing back in the 80's?? Some of us look back on that time and, ask ourselves "what were we thinking"? LOL!!! 

We can now incorporate the color blue into our style in a way that is more blended and stylish. 

I'm on this thrifty kick and, I was able to locate this beautiful dress at a local thrift store. The dress has different shades of blue; and, it has a very vintage look and feel to it. It was paired with blue suede shoes which, I just love!  I found this "mink-like" coat at a local consignment shop. I couldn't leave it behind. Since the dress is extremely busy... the coat brings a more settle look into the outfit. 

How do you rock different shades of a color?  #SaseeChicFashion

Dress and Coat: Thrift
Shoes: Jessica Simpson - DSW


  1. Visiting from Troy's blog and I like what I've read so I will be back to read more. . Enjoy the Holidays!

    1. Thank you so much! Happy Holidays to you and your family.
