Monday, August 27, 2012


What inspires you?

So few words but, these few words carries so much impact.

For over a year now, I've thought about and prayed about my passion. Like most individuals, just simply afraid to take that initial step toward my goal.

I've always had a love for beauty and fashion; even as a child, I can remember seeing my mother with the matching handbag and shoes... LOL!!!! It's really something when you can look back on how things affect you. Well, I can say I'm not into the matching bags and shoes but, I still have that love for fashion years later.

I've always wanted to incoporate makeup and beauty into my fashion sense. Well, frankly they just simply go hand in hand. My passion that I have to help young girls and young women with beauty and fashion runs deep.

I shall and I will start moving toward this goal this year.

Be on the look out for Sas-ee Chic

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